What to Do When They Want to See More Homes

Buyers will look at 100 homes before they buy... if you let them. This is a HUGE decision for them and there are just SO MANY HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM. They are afraid that they will "settle" if they don't see everything available. As a real estate agent, you must know how to handle this concern. You will waste countless hours and dollars in gas if you do not CONTROL THE SALE.

Once your client knows that you have listened to them and understand what they want, they will trust you to advise them in their decision-making process.

In the beginning of the home search, you met with your client and determined EXACTLY what they wanted in a home. You took copious amounts of notes, applied them to the search, narrowed the homes down the most perfect fit. Then you ventured out to show the properties. This is where most agents go about things all wrong.

You are not a tour guide or a chauffeur. Many agents open the door and allow the buyers to walk in freely throughout the homes. By allowing the clients browse on their own, agents miss buying signs, body language, opportunity to ask "tie down"  questions such as "does this feel like home?" or "can you see yourself living here?"

When you control the sale, you will detect positive buying signs and begin to close them on the home and suggest that an offer be placed today.

When asked to make a decision, a buyer's fear will kick in and, even though this home may be perfect, they will want to see more because they are frightened. The buyer may something like "I don't think we have seen enough homes yet." This is not a true objection, it is a stall. This mental defense tactic will put you back on the road and looking at homes for days to come.

Here is how you can handle this:

“John, Mary, I feel that you’re a little apprehensive because we  found a great home so quickly. I don’t blame you for that. I hope you realize, though, in scouring the area for homes, I used your idea of the perfect home to narrow down the search. There are over 3,000 homes for sale in this community. Rather than show you all of them, which is ridiculous, I decided to show you only those homes that meet your wants, needs and budget. In watching you preview this property, I could see you were envisioning your family living here. That’s why I’d like you to consider placing an offer on this particular property rather than wasting your time searching and maybe lose this home that you really like."

You are the voice of calm reason in their storm of emotions. They want the home. They don’t want to lose this home to someone else. It is just that their emotions jumbled up. As a good sales person, you will help your client make a choice that they want to make. You are the trusted professional. Your advice can calm them down so they can make the right decision.